I Am Not a Writer

I have never been a writer. At least, I never wanted to be a writer. I am the antisocial literature major, the one that never goes to open mic night for fear of being coerced into speaking. It’s an irrational fear, I know that. I love to hear people recite poetry. Especially if it is their own. There is no one in the world that can know it better than the author themselves. Every rhythm, every phrase. Every lift of the eyebrow or change in the voice. It is theirs and theirs alone. I have always admired a writer for their courage. The courage to give a piece of themselves away in such a public manner.

I was always a reader though. To live inside the world of someone you’ve never met is powerful. Its personal and a bit scary. I love getting lost in a book to the point where I can’t hear someone call my name or ask a question. Being a read is safe and comfortable to me. I can be anywhere or be anyone. Being a reader has allowed me to travel to a hundred cities and live a thousand lives. Reading is being able to explore the world form my bedroom.

This semester I have explored the farthest reaches of my mind, created more poems and stories than ever before, and found myself within the torrent of words flowing through my mind at every moment. Being a writer has given me a chance to travel through my own memories and create a world for someone else to explore. I have found myself huddled in the corner, pouring out secrets from the darkest parts of my heart. I have found myself standing on the highest hills, shouting stories of my victories. Lastly, I found myself at home, dreaming of new tales to tell. I am a writer and I can’t wait to share my words with the world.


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